The game economy is designed to encourage players to engage with the in-game Wei system, providing chances to enhance their experience. This involves dynamic adjustments to Oil, Unit, and Building prices, along with the income generated from holding conquered sectors. The goal is to keep the gameplay challenging and interesting, motivating players to explore additional in-game options for success.
Oil extraction
The amount of oil generated by wells in the game will depend on whether Wei token is flowing in or out of the game.
Wei Packs
We will sell in-game Wei packs to people inside the game, allowing players to get a boost in their progress (one pack per user to limit pay to win)
People can also buy the token on the market and deposit in the game - for those who are more technically advanced, they can get an edge
Unique in-game avatar (AI generated)
Pay with in-game cash to generate an avatar for yourself
Unique in-game sigil (randomly generated)
Pay with in-game cash to generate a sigil
Last updated